The Graft Tower is a Sustainable Parametric and Eco design for a Hotel & Vertical Farm proposed by Diego Taccioli,Sizhe Chen, and Tyler Wallace

As a result of collaboration between two firms, OODA and OOIIO, the design won the Merit Award at the Taiwan Conceptual Tower International Competition in 2010.

German architects J. Mayer H. have completed this airport building in the medieval mountain town of Mestia, Georgia.

This Sustainable skyscraper will be in the mangrove forest of Jakarta, Indonesia. The Agung Sedayu Center rises out of the natural habitat as an iconic volume that takes in the breathtaking views of the forest.

Jon Martin proposed this Hybrid Tower, It was a retail/office hybrid tower study, for reintroducing urban retail to downtown Kansas City.

Taking a cue from the omnipresence of Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan’s image, which is scattered throughout the region on large-scale, American-style billboards...

TANG fei: I experimented with form production at the Excessive Studio II, Urban Strategies, Die Angewandte Vienna in Austria to produce an Opera Theater..

GSI Tower by Sanzpont, in Cancun, Mexico. 20-storey will house a shopping mall, hotel and offices, consists of 2 vertical bodies that meet at the top by 2 bridges.

Hugon Kowalski from UGO architecture & design proposed this Barcelona Rock hostel Skyscraper for Barcelona 2011 Bohemian Hostel for Backpackers international competition

Revolutionary & dynamic design of the this Metamorphic Skyscraper "Kinetower" by Kinetura, transfer architecture to another level more adapted to the environment..