Aedas designs Kingboard Plaza Shanghai Phase 2
Kingboard Plaza Shanghai Phase 2, designed by Aedas, is set to be a brand-new landmark with its iconic form and vibrant program mix.
In keeping with the metaphoric image with functional requirements within a limited site confine, the concept places a series of vertical forums and stages using interconnecting layers of platforms. These platforms allow access to and offer distinct views at various levels and locations. The program of the plaza, The Urban Crossing, also signifies a dynamic mix of an urban forum, windows, stage, and observatory, providing a platform for different activities to be hosted throughout the day.
The form comprises two office towers linked by two weaved platforms on the upper and lower floors. The platforms combine with a north-south directional shift on the towers to complete the portal concept. The elevated linkages complete this iconic form, and the diagonal connections receive circulation movements from three axes and distribute people flow to various platforms. A simple shifting and connecting paradigm enriches the overall spatial quality, satisfies functional requirements, and provides a place for drifting.
The shifting of architectural form, layering, and circulation pattern expressed the crossing concept in architectural terms. Functional interaction and spatial extension between the interior and exterior further strengthen and complete the inter-connected vertical living room/showcase concept at The Urban Crossing.
Anchoring at the terminus of the proposed Hongqiao primary retail axial in Shanghai, and with a canal meandering through the northern edge of the site, Kingboard Plaza Shanghai Phase 2 will be the focal point in Linkong Business Park where people gather and exchange.
The project is expected to be completed in 2014.
Project Info:
Project: Kingboard Plaza Shanghai Phase 2
Location: Shanghai, China
Architect: Aedas
Client: Kingboard Chemical Holdings Ltd
Gross floor area: 49,356 square meters
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